What can I do?Adresses & Links

Here you get support and help around the clock.
Here you get support and help around the clock.
Give us a call if you need help or just want to talk!
Rat auf Draht 147 can be reached 24/7 if you need help, feel lonely and abandoned and cannot think straight anymore.
Here you can obtain free help 24/7 throughout Austria.
Call us. The counselling is anonymous, confidential and free of charge. No one will know about it.
The counsellors are subject to confidentiality.
Free emergency and crisis counselling, Austria-wide, 24/7, for women/migrants, children and juveniles affected by violence.
Here you will obtain anonymous and confidential advice, also in emergency situations. If you would like to speak to someone in your own language, the Frauenhelpline can provide counselling in the following languages: Arabic, English, Bosnian-Croat-Serbian, Romanian, Spanish and Turkish.
Here you can get help and find out about your rights!
Opfernotruf offers victims of violence and crime help and advice, anonymously and free of charge!
Help for men and boys in crisis situations
There are Männerberatungsstellen (men’s advice centres) in every province for boys and men affected by violence who need help.
Further information at AMÖ - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Männerberatungsstellen und Männerbüros Österreichs
Männerberatung Wien offers psychological, psychotherapeutic, social and legal help, as well as a wide range of information and training on all possible topics men are dealing with today.
Call us if you experience or see violence!
We will listen and offer help!
Free and anonymous, if you want.
Daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Confidential, anonymous and free individual online counselling on issues affecting children and juveniles.
Daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Free and anonymous
You can also arrange personal appointments at möwe – Kinderschutzzentren.
Telephone 24/7: 0512 – 580 059
Counselling - assistance - emergency shelter
There is a Kinder- und Jugendanwaltschaft, a service and counselling centre for children and juveniles, in every province.
You can call it if you want legal advice about a particular situation or simply need information. The Kinder- und Jugendanwaltschaft also attempts to mediate in the case of differences of opinion and conflicts between children/juveniles, parents and others.
All addresses, telephone numbers and information can be found on the following website: www.kija.at
There are Kinderschutzzentren (children’s shelters) throughout Austria. You can consult them for advice.
The conversations are free, confidential and anonymous. That means that you don’t have to give any information, such as your name or address.
Information and contact data can be found on the Internet: www.oe-kinderschutzzentren.at
Advice centre for abused or sexually abused women, girls and children.
On the kids-line you can talk about your fears and worries for free, anonymously and confidentially: We are here for you. We listen to you. We take you seriously.
We are available for you daily from 1 pm to 9 pm on the phone and in the chat.
You don't need to register for the chat, just click on the icon on our secure page - and off you go.