Information for adultsInformation on the website

Since October 2011, extensive information on domestic violence has been available to children and juveniles in Austria on the website
This site, by the Verein Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser, is aimed at those directly affected by domestic violence and children and juveniles who know about it from their friends.
What’s going on at home?
This new website has cartoon videos and audio podcasts in which children talk about their experiences of domestic violence.
Julia knows that everything is not OK at home, because her father hits her mother. Jan sees that his friend Tobias has changed a lot and discovers that his mother’s new boyfriend torments her constantly. Niklas has to console his little sister, who believes that she’s responsible for her stepfather’s violence. Leyla doesn’t want to marry a stranger and is given the telephone number by her cousin of an advice centre where she doesn’t have to give her name.
These scenarios describe typical and representative domestic violence situations and possible reactions to them. They are intended to heighten or create awareness of the problem by describing and presenting these situations as forms of domestic violence. They also show appropriate responses and encourage children and juveniles to get further information and make use of the available help.
What can I do? How can I help?
Through explanatory texts and interviews with experts, also in the form of audio podcasts, the website explains the nature and consequences of domestic violence, provides information on available help and gives advice on plans for an emergency situation. For those who are not directly affected but would like to help others there are tips as to the best form of help.
How am I?
A further focus is dealing with emotions, particularly how to argue properly and how to manage anger. These questions are answered by means of an interactive quiz. In this way problems such as ‘is my family OK?’ or ‘is this violence?’ can be dealt with.
Information for adults
The website offers additional basic information about domestic violence for adults. Affected women are informed about their rights and possibilities for protection.
The website was originally conceived and realized in 2008 for the Berlin initiative against violence against women – BIG e.V. by the agency flamme rouge gmbh.
The funding of was provided by Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin (DKLB Foundation).
The adaptation for Austria in 2011 and redesign in 2019 were supported and funded by "Drei Hilft". "Drei Hilft" is a social initiative by the telecommunications company "Drei" in Austria.