Information for adultsAdresses & Links

If you are abused and feel threatened, please contact a women’s shelter, violence protection centre, advice centre or the Frauenhelpline 0800/222 555.
Women’s shelters in Austria
Women’s shelters offer women experiencing violence from their partners/husbands a safe living space. They are open to all victims of violence, regardless of nationality, income or religion. The addresses are kept secret for safety reasons.
Violence protection centres / intervention centres
Intervention centres are victim-protection facilities offering women and their children advice and support after their partners/husbands have been issued restraining orders by the police. They were set up in connection with the Austrian Violence Protection Act.
Autonomous Austrian women’s shelter advice centres
There are six advice centres in Austria focusing on violence against women and children in the family.Victims of violence can arrange appointments for free advice and support.
Frauenhelpline 0800 - 222 555
The Frauenhelpline is a first point of contact in all questions connected with male violence against women/migrants (violence in the family, in a marriage or partnership, forced marriage, rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment at work, etc.).
Österreichischer Kinderschutzbund